3912 Dillard Rd
39th & Hilyard
Eugene OR 97405
(541) 345-9913

Meetings & Events at Unity



- 2:00-3:00 p.m. via Zoom  Community Connect moderated by Rev. Dick Everts. This is a one hour, drop in, chatting session for discussing topics of spiritual interest, personal growth, etc. There is a new topic each Wednesday. To take part, send an email request to Rev. Dick at richard.everts@comcast.net.

- 1:00-3:00 p.m. – YFM Splash Day at Amazon Pool. The Youth & Family Ministry is sponsoring the youth for this day so the youth are paid for. They must be accompanied by at least one parent or guardian who is responsible for them. Sign up required and can be done in the Garden Room or contact Alice Sparks at 541-729-3817 (voice or text).

- 1:00-2:30 p.m. – Unity’s Elder Council meets in the Garden Room. If you are 60 or older and would like to explore the journey and wisdom of elderhood, please join us. For more information, contact Julia Linebarger-Taylor at jlinebargertaylor@yahoo.com or 541-968-5896.

- 3:30-5:00 p.m. – Therapeutic Touch in the upstairs Fillmore Wing. The NW Therapeutic Touch Institute is offering Therapeutic Touch (TT) sessions for those who have taken the classes, those interested in TT, and for those who would simply like to experience a calming, healing TT session. For more information, contact Bev Forster, RN, QTTT, at 541-520-9358.

- 5:30-6:45 p.m. – Passage Meditation in the Fillmore Wing. This group practices “Passage Meditation” as taught by Eknath Easwaran. For more information, contact Laurie Cracraft at 541-554-5434.

- 10:00-11-:30 a.m. via Zoom - Gong Bath Meditation Class with Sunny & Vicky Hills - Several Unity of the Valley Members attend regularly, including Laura & Inge. Please Sign Up Here: https://sunnyhillsmeditation.com.


- 10:30 a.m. Livestream & In-Person Service – “Radical Empathy: Untangling Knots Within and Between Us” with Professor Michael Dreiling.

- 12:00-1:00 p.m. – Unity Environmental Action Team (EAT) meets in the Garden Room on the second Sunday of each month. For more information on Unity’s EAT, contact Betsy Priddle at heavenstobetsy74@gmail.com.

- 12:15-1:00 p.m. – Youth Choir meets in the Garden Room. Ages 6 years to young adult. Led by our wonderful Music Director, Laura DuBois.

- 12:15-1:15 p.m. – Healing Prayer Circle meets in the upstairs Fillmore Wing. We offer healing prayer to individuals who request it. All are welcome to join us. For more information, contact Julia Linebarger-Taylor at 541-968-5896.


- 5:30-7:00 p.m. – Caring from the Heart, a LGBTQIA++ Support Group. Join Shawn Heren, Erik Peterson, and Jalon Watts in the Garden Room on the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month for an opportunity to gather in a safe place to be open and to share, express, and support each other in the LGBTQIA++ community. No judgement and no fear. For more information, contact Erik Peterson 541-556-0228.

- 7:00-8:30 p.m. – Choir Practice in the Sanctuary. If you would like to be a part of the choir, contact Mo Robeson at 541-520-8489.

- 6:30 p.m. – Board of Trustees Meeting will be held in the Garden Room and via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. If you would like to attend via Zoom or speak at the meeting, please contact Ted Taylor at 541-953-7226 or juliated@comcast.net.

- 7:00 p.m. – The July 16th Behind the Lens film is The Great Caruso, directed by Richard Thorpe, followed by a Q&A session with Tom Blank. Cost is $30 for series or $5 per time. Registration forms in the Fellowship Hall.

- 7:00-9:00 p.m. – Unity Open Men’s Circle in the upstairs Fillmore Wing. The Men’s Circle is a safe container where a man can openly and authentically share about his life, with the support and in the company of other men. Meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. For more information, contact Raymond Albano at 541-285-3943 / ralbano.tmlp@gmail.com or Jim Drews at 541-731-8492 / drewsjim@yahoo.com.

- 11:00 a.m. – Celebration of Life Service for Ellen Johnson. Join us in the sanctuary as we celebrate Ellen’s life. Reception to follow.


- 10:30 a.m. Livestream & In-Person Service – “Finding a Place to Land” with Rev. Sherry Lady.


Monday, July 22-Friday, July 26 – Youth Puppet Day Camp (10:00 a.m.-Noon) ages 8-15 years old. We will be making puppets, learn how to manipulate several different types of puppets, explore presenting a story using voice, and movement, with a presentation of a variety show onstage on the final day. Space is limited. Free to Unity families. $10 for week for non-members. Pre-register with Alice Sparks at 541-729-3817 (voice or text).

Sunday, July 28 (6:00 p.m.) – “The Year to Save the Earth” – A Multimedia Experience by Jim Scott. Mixing powerful songs and beautiful projected images, “The Year to Save the Earth” takes us from grieving to celebration and from protest to positive vision for the planet. Jim’s lyrical melodies and outspoken poetry celebrate what’s beautiful, amazing, and fragile about our Earth. Facing the urgency of the environmental crisis, this musical and visual experience challenges us to feel, to learn, and to act. Suggested admission donation $15-$25

Youth & Family Ministry: Our youth still have quite a few 1-foot potted Douglas Fir and Incense Cedar trees needing a home. Reduced to sell: 1 for $5 or 2 for $7.50 Come and get a tree and support our youth at the same time. See Alice or call her at 541-729-3817.

JULY, AUGUST, and SEPTEMBER – Summer Salads are Coming Back! Instead of soup, we will be having summer salads. Two people are needed on each Sunday to bring a BIG salad (except on 1st Sunday Potluck). Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall to help out. We are looking forward to lots of fresh fruits and veggies this season!


YFM SUMMER VOLUNTEERS: Our curriculum teachers will be taking a break in July and August, and the kids will be taking a break from the curriculum during that time. We are looking for volunteers from teens on up to seniors who can volunteer once a month in August to help Alice and have some fun with the kids ages 4-14. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or contact Alice at 541-729-3817 or alicesparks48@gmail.com.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: We are looking for volunteers to help make prayer shawls either by knitting or crocheting that are then given away to people in our community who are going through a difficult time. No experience necessary. To become part of the team, contact Rev. Inge at 541-968-5540 or ingetarantola@gmail.com


Our July Bulletin has been posted. You can check it out at

The Youth & Family Ministry Spring Newsletter has been posted as well. You can read it at http://unityofthevalley.org/pdfs/YFMspringnewsletter2024.pdf.

UNITY FOOD DRIVE – Please help us to fill the food barrel in the foyer with shelf-stable food (i.e., canned or no refrigeration needed) for Food For Lane County. Together, We Are Making a Difference!


Nursery (Infant-4 years old) Nursery care is offered during the service in the Harmony Room.

Our curriculum teachers are on break in July and August. Although the youth (ages 4-18) are taking a break from curriculum, they will still be meeting in the Garden & Rainbow Rooms. We will do a check-in, meditation, and then we will be doing activities. (Nursery care will continue to be offered for infant-4 years old.)




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Classes at Unity School Campus: www.unityonline.org

Visit Unity’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/unityofthevalley.