Philosophy of Service
Our church is powered by volunteer energy. We employ a basic paid staff, and all other activities are in the hands of our volunteers. We never ask anyone to volunteer out of duty; in fact, service creates an opportunity to realize our oneness, practice spiritual principles, discover and develop our natural spiritual gifts, and grow in love and understanding of one another. We discourage any service that involves sacrifice or a sense of obligation. We ask that if you are not loving what you are doing, if you cannot do it with great harmony and great joy, if you’re are not having fun, then don’t do it!
Basic to the success of our Love In Action Volunteer Ministry is the firm belief that service is a noble path to spiritual growth, that all service is an act of devotion to God, and that it is, indeed, an honor to serve.
We’ve come to believe that there is no spiritual growth without service. Just as we would not expect one to advance on the spiritual path without prayer or forgiveness or giving of our financial resources, so we see that actively sharing our special talents in service is essential, and we are blessed.
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted, and behold! service was joy.“
-- Rabindranath Tagore