3912 Dillard Rd
39th & Hilyard
Eugene OR 97405
(541) 345-9913



Our Ushers Rock!

Sundays would not be the same without the friendly and efficient ushers who greet us with warm smiles, provide bulletins, prayer cards, and welcome packets, and receive the love offerings. Their service with kindness and joy is truly appreciated each week.

THANK YOU to Usher Team Leader Susie Ingalls and to all our wonderful ushers that help our Sunday service run smoothly.

Would you like to join the Usher team?

Being an usher is a fun and easy way to connect with our Unity community. Ushers greet people, hand out bulletins and welcome packets, and receive the love offerings. It requires participating one Sunday per month. To contribute your service as part of the Usher Team, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall at Unity.

For more information please contact Gary Collins (732) 299-2375