SUNDAY LIVESTREAM SERVICE: Join us and many other friends of Unity live at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday at (you don’t have to be a Facebook member). Other links and news are posted after the message Last Sunday’s (12/1/24) service can be watched at
From Rev. Sherry Lady
This Sunday is the second Sunday in Advent. The words to be shared when the Advent candle is lit are as follows: “The 2nd candle represents love and is represented by the baby Jesus himself. Jesus is the representation of boundless and unconditional love. When you are established fully in hope, we are able to extend the experience of love to ourselves and to all the rest of the world. It is through the union of wisdom (Joseph) and compassion (Mary) that the love and light of the Christ can come into full expression in our world. It is by these means that Christ is indeed born anew in us.”
Someone once told me that love is a decision, so I decided to test the theory. I made a commitment to love everything that happened during my day. These were the challenges that then presented themselves to me:
- · Toilet overflowed.
· Showerhead came off and would not go back on.
· Late for an appointment and was stuck behind a street center line painter and was delayed by five minutes.
· Could not find a parking place so drove around while calling the place I was to be. Got yelled at for talking on my cell phone.
· The office called back to say the person I was to see just had to go home because they were ill.
· Went to grocery store and all went well but the bottom came out of the paper bag yet thankfully only the veggies fell out.
· Got home in time for the plumber that was due, but as I was letting him in a bookshelf attached to the wall fell down and books were everywhere. The plumber helped put them back.
· While taking blueberries to a neighbor I tripped on a stone I did not see and there were blueberries all over her driveway.
· After a nice visit, on the way back I passed my car and a bird had left its calling card on the car I had just washed the day before.
Yes, this all happened in one day….and then…a wonderful call from a dear friend who had come to visit a few days earlier. She said she was reaching out to say thank you and to send her love. This was not a decision to love, but an acceptance of the love wave that flows through our world. When I really needed to feel loved, it was there – waiting for me – as it always is.
Love is not a decision – it is a happening. We can’t control its coming and going, but we can decide to be open to it when it comes and let it flow to all the places it wants to go to bless us.
This dear friend of mine had felt, a number of years before, a calling in her heart that she did not understand because it was pulling her into being with a large group of people in a new and different way. She had decided to be love in the world, but had not expected this as being with too many people for a possible long period of time was just not her “thing.” Yet the pull was so strong she gave in. What she shared with me during out visit was how following that calling led her to, through her years of service, discover a love so profound for and from all the people she served that her whole life and being was changed forever.
I’ve heard people say, “Oh, I just love everybody, and I’m going to be a beacon of love.” To which I want to say “No you don’t, and no you aren’t, because that’s not how it works. First you get right inside yourself, accept who you are, open to the idea of love as a possibility for you, but then get on with things and love will come to you and find its own place to flow in and surprise you beyond anything you’ve ever known. When it does it is so powerful. You could not have planned its impact. It is what happens when you stop trying to make it happen. We just need to be open to receive it, and then, when we feel love overflowing and overpowering us in a positive way, we reach out to share it with others.”
The child came to grow into the fullness of His being and when He found his place in the world he said, from the bottom of His heart that was filled with love: “Love one another, as I have loved you.” And, from author and presenter Bruce Lipton: “It is as if we have been inherently designed to respond positively to love so the many doctrines throughout the world supporting the power of love may, in fact, be promoting a level of wisdom we are only just beginning to understand.”
Feeling the love you have inspired in me.
NOTE: Special events and special announcements are highlighted in yellow.
- 2:00-3:00 p.m. via Zoom – Community Connect moderated by Rev. Dick Everts. This is a one hour, drop in, chatting session for discussing topics of spiritual interest, personal growth, etc. There is a new topic each Wednesday. To take part, send an email request to Rev. Dick at
- 4:30-5:30 p.m. - Unity Grief Support Group facilitated by Rev. Inge Tarantola meets in the Garden Room. Confidentiality observed. For more information, contact Rev. Inge Tarantola at 541-968-5540 or
– New Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m. – Chanting & Meditation in the sanctuary. Join Jon West, Stephen Parsons, and Donna O'Neil on the first Wednesday of each month and open to the Infinite Spirit within through the timeless practice of chanting our way into deep meditation. For more info., contact Jon West at 541-683-7664 or
- 1:00-2:30 p.m. – Unity’s Elder Council meets in the upstairs Fillmore Room. If you are 60 or older and would like to explore the journey and wisdom of elderhood, please join us. For more information, contact Julia Linebarger-Taylor at or 541-968-5896.
- 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Parents Empowered by Connecting group. This group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month in the Garden Room. For more information, contact Amanda Hadd at 541-999-6673 or Alice Sparks at 541-729-3817.
- 5:30-6:45 p.m. – Passage Meditation in the Fillmore Wing. This group practices “Passage Meditation” as taught by Eknath Easwaran. For more information, contact Laurie Cracraft at 541-554-5434.
– 10:30 a.m.-Noon – Sacred Women’s Circle in the upstairs Fillmore Wing. Join Alison Cantril & Géna Duel in the upstairs Fillmore for a time of meditation, connection, and doing a fun project that incorporates the theme for December’s gathering which is Finding & Expressing Our Spiritual Gifts.
- 10:30 a.m. Livestream & In-Person Service – “Born in Us: The Christ Consciousness: Part 2” with Jon West, focusing on time-tested daily practices for every seeker of higher awareness.
- After the service – Healing Prayer Circle meets. We offer focused healing prayer upon request. If you or a loved one need prayer support, please contact Julia Linebarger-Taylor at 541-968-5896.
- 12:15-1:15 p.m. – Unity Environmental Action Team (EAT) meets in the Garden Room on the second Sunday of each month. For more information, contact Betsy Priddle at or Donna O’Neil at Bring your clean and sorted plastics to the Garden Room at 11:45 on the second Sunday of the month. More info. below on this under Volunteer Opportunities.
- 4:00-5:30 p.m. – Christmas Choir Practice in the Sanctuary. If you would like to be a part of the choir, contact Mo Robeson at 541-520-8489. Come and share your voice!
- 7:00 p.m. – The December 10th Behind the Lens film is From Here to Eternity, directed by Fred Zinnemann, followed by a Q&A session with Tom Blank. Registration forms in the Fellowship Hall. Cost is $30 for series or $5 per time.
- 7:00 p.m. – Christmas Singalong. Come and join our music team and choir in the sanctuary for this delightfully fun event. You may also join us on Facebook Live at
- 3:30-5:00 p.m. – Therapeutic Touch in the upstairs Fillmore Wing. The NW Therapeutic Touch Institute is offering Therapeutic Touch (TT) sessions for those who have taken the classes, those interested in TT, and for those who would simply like to experience a calming, healing TT session. For more information, contact Bev Forster, RN, QTTT, at 541-520-9358.
- 10:30 a.m. Livestream & In-Person Service – “The Gift of Peace” with Rev. Sherry Lady. Our Christmas Choir will be performing during the service.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 – (5:00 p.m.) – Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service in the sanctuary. Join us on this holy night for inspiring music, prayer, and universal wisdom. Nursery care available for infants to 4 years old. (Please dress warmly as we will be ventilating fresh air.) You can also watch the livestream at
Our December Bulletin can be found at
POTS OF SOUP: Each Sunday we serve 2-3 pots of soup. We are looking for 1 person who can bring a pot of soup on a Sunday. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall if you can help out.
CHRISTMAS EVE USHERS: We are looking for two more Ushers for our 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candle Lighting service. If you are available to help, please contact Géna at or 541-345-9913, ext. 11.
BOARD TRUSTEES VOLUNTEER: Our Unity Board Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for our Board of Trustees. We have two open seats. We also have a seat open for someone willing to serve as an Alternate (willing to step in if a Trustee doesn't complete their full term). If you are interested in being of service to our spiritual community in this way, please contact Jon West at
PLASTICS RECYCLING ONGOING OPPORTUNITY: Every Second Sunday, join the EAT team to recycle your plastics! You can recycle a lot more this way, as our local waste haulers don't take much plastic recycling. But they do take #2 jugs and bottles that are larger than a tennis ball. So, separate your clean plastic containers into bags for #2 tubs (and bottles smaller than a tennis ball), #4 and #5 plastics and their lids (All lids must be separate). Bring your clean and sorted plastics to the Garden Room at 11:45 on the second Sunday of the month. We can help you help the environment by recycling them! Clean them well and save them up for us! Important: Do not drop off your items.
Please join us this holy Christmas by celebrating our spiritual community with a special gift of love. For a variety of reasons, we do not anticipate being able to balance our budget this year. Our estimated shortfall is $20,000 out of our budget of $245,000. Beginning December 1st, we will have a table in the foyer with an assortment of delightful tree ornaments. Select your favorite one, and let your heart guide you as you place a donation of any amount in an envelope with your name on it. If you choose to increase your Simple Giving amount, write down that pledge in the envelope. On December 22, we will have a drawing with our donors’ names in a box and gift someone with a lovely appreciation Christmas basket.
Our December Bulletin has been posted. You can check it out at
UNITY FOOD DRIVE – Please help us to fill the food barrel in the foyer with shelf-stable food (i.e., canned or no refrigeration needed) for Food For Lane County. Together, We Are Making a Difference!
Nursery (Infant-4 years old) Nursery care is offered during the service in the Harmony Room.
Unikids (4 years old-2nd Grade) meet on Sundays in the Garden Room 10:20-11:25 a.m.
Galileans (Grades 3- 5) meet on Sundays from 10:25 to 11:25 a.m. in the Rainbow Room.
Uniteens (Grades 6-8) meet in the upstairs Treehouse room from 10:25 to 11:25 a.m.
Unity Teen Group (Grades 9-12). meet on Sundays from 10:25 to 11:25 a.m. in the Treehouse room.
Unity of the Valley’s Simple Giving Program is an easy, automatic means by which you can give gifts or tithes to the church in the amount you specify at the frequency you select. To sign up and for more information, click If you have any questions, contact our Administrator, Géna, at 541-345-9913, ext. 11.
Did you know that you can help spread the word about Unity of the Valley and its events? By Liking the Facebook page and then clicking "Like" or "Share" on individual posts, you can let Facebook know that these posts are important and make sure that the posts are seen by MANY more people. Please take a moment now to Like the page (if you haven't already) and share a Unity post with your friends. Unity’s Facebook page is at .
Your Prayer Team is Here for You!
Do you have a prayer request? Contact Julia Linebarger-Taylor via phone or text at 541-968-5896.
Unity of the Valley’s Music Releases can be found at
"Connecting from the Heart" is now an independent nonprofit organization, working closely with Unity of the Valley. To enjoy their music, meditation and mental wellness videos, please click on this link:
We also post Unity videos, when possible, at:
The Unity Board has approved the creation of Our Spiritual Community Support Fund. This fund was inspired by a Unity member who offered her government stimulus funds to assist individuals in our spiritual community who need it most.
· Send a check to Unity of the Valley, 3912 Dillard Rd., Eugene, OR 97405 with a note designating if it’s for OSCSF or general Unity finances.
· Send a donation through PayPal using the yellow DONATE button on the home page of our website: This can be a one-time donation, repeated as often as you wish for different amounts, or a monthly recurring donation for a set amount. Make sure you designate whether you want your donation to be applied to OSCSF or to general Unity finances.
· Send an email to stating that you wish to pledge a certain amount, possibly from your government stimulus check to the OSCSF or to general Unity finances. Give your phone number so Géna can contact you to arrange how and when you wish to donate.
· You can write a letter stating you wish to join our Simple Giving Fund to contribute a set amount (state the amount) on a regular basis (state how often) with your bank account routing and account number. Just designate what portion should be used for OSCSF or general Unity finances. Géna, our Office Administrator, opens all our mail in private. So, it is safe to include your account information in a letter, but not in an email.
To request monetary help, you can write a letter or an email ( directed to the Ministerial Team. Please include the following information:
1. Your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
2. Your association with Unity of the Valley.
3. Name of reference at Unity of the Valley (someone who knows you).
4. Brief description of your financial need.
5. How much you are requesting.
6. Do you think your financial needs will require monthly support?
Requests for monetary help will be reviewed by our Ministerial Team. If a request is approved, the amount granted will be dependent on how many requests we receive and how much money is available in the OSCSF.
Thank you all for being an integral part of our loving and supportive community.