SUNDAY LIVESTREAM SERVICE: Join us and many other friends of Unity live at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday at (you don’t have to be a Facebook member). Other links and news are posted after the message. Last Sunday’s (3/16/25) service can be watched at
by Rev. Sherry Lady
Many of us are facing, at this time, an uncertainty about not only tomorrow, but about all the days ahead because things seem to be changing faster than our minds can comprehend, let alone adapt to, if adaptation is what will be required of us. In a short and meaningful essay on the spiritual power of faith by James Dillet Freeman, a Unity teacher and writer, we read words of wisdom to help us navigate the days ahead. Freeman’s influence on the Unity movement and on people’s spiritual lives have made him a much loved and cherished guide for many. Here are his inspiring words:
"Faith is not so much a matter of the mind as of the heart. Sometimes in seeking to understand God as principle, we lose sight of God as a presence. Theologians and philosophers can know God as words to set down in books, but a child that cannot even utter the name of God may have a faith beyond that of learned priests. To have faith is not to theorize about God or even imagine God, but to experience God.
Faith is the power to see in the disappointment of today, the fulfillment of tomorrow, in the end of old hopes the beginning of new life. Faith is the inward power to see beyond the outward signs, the power to know that all is right even when everything looks wrong.
When our fondest dreams seem to go amiss and out dearest prayers seem to remain unanswered, faith is a vision of life that soars beyond the limitations of the self — these narrow senses, this imperfect reason, this drift of circumstance – and see that our life is part of something more than we have ever understood. In spite of all that may seem and all that may happen, there is an ultimate fulfillment, that it is truly well, that all must be well. Life has an eternal meaning, we are one with the infinite, and whatever may befall us, in the all-enfolding, all unfolding everness of God, life will work out for good.
If you cannot believe in much, then believe in the little that you can. Start where you are and grow. What seed can have a foreknowledge of the tree it will become? What thorny bush can prophesy the rose? What worm can tell of the butterfly? Faith grows…
Though there are no shouts of praise, no laurels, we bear the whole race forward in our great stride, and the compassion that enfolds the world catches us to ourselves and presses us even into the inmost heart of life, even into the love of God himself.
“Lord, I believe; help thou, my unbelief.”
When from your heart the troubled cry goes up, know that there is no cry but that somehow there is an answer. There is a love. There is a power. There is a wisdom, and there is a way to go. Let your heart hold fast; the way will be made plain.”
To that I would add a poem also offered by Freeman:
The wise and learned sage on the pretentious page writes:
In two words defined, God is divine mind.
But infants’ helpless wiles, mere cockleshells of smiles
Say without words or art, “God is the human heart.”
Go forth in Faith and serve the world. You have all you need to make a difference. I will do the same. Together we will redefine and expand the meaning of the heart.
- 2:00-3:00 p.m. via Zoom – Community Connect moderated by Rev. Dick Everts. This is a one hour, drop in, chatting session for discussing topics of spiritual interest, personal growth, etc. There is a new topic each Wednesday. To take part, send an email request to Rev. Dick at
- 1:00-2:30 p.m. – Unity’s Elder Council meets in the upstairs Fillmore Room. If you are 60 or older and would like to explore the journey and wisdom of elderhood, please join us. For more information, contact Julia Linebarger-Taylor at or 541-968-5896.
- 5:30-6:45 p.m. – Passage Meditation in the Fillmore Wing. This group practices “Passage Meditation” as taught by Eknath Easwaran. For more information, contact Laurie Cracraft at 541-554-5434.
- 11:00 a.m. – Celebration of Life Service for June Hopkins. June was an integral part of Unity’s Youth & Family Ministry. Please join us in the sanctuary as we celebrate our beloved June’s life. Reception to follow.
- 10:30 a.m. Livestream & In-Person Service – “What do you want to do with me now, God?” with Rev. Dick Everts.
- 4:00-5:30 p.m. – Easter Choir rehearsal in the Sanctuary. Come and join the Easter Choir. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or contact Mo Robeson at or 541-520-8489. Performance Sunday, April 20.
- 7:00 p.m. – The March 25th Behind the Lens film is Sansho the Bailiff, directed by Kenji Mizoguchi, followed by a Q&A session with Tom Blank. Registration forms in the Fellowship Hall. Cost is $30 for series (12 movies) or $5 per time.
- 4:30-5:30 p.m. - Unity Grief Support Group facilitated by Rev. Inge Tarantola meets in the Garden Room. Confidentiality observed. For more information, contact Rev. Inge Tarantola at 541-968-5540 or
- 3:30-5:30 p.m. – Celebration of Life Service for Whitney Leigh Woodard held at River Road Park & Recreation, 1400 Lake Drive, Eugene, OR 97404. The family encourages you to bring finger foods and your favorite stories to share about Whitney.
- 10:30 a.m. Livestream & In-Person Service – As we conclude our March theme: How Can I Serve, our Unity Chaplains will share insights and experiences on “The Power of Connecting in Spirit.”
Wednesdays, April 9 & 23 (11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) – Journey of the Soul. Join Kaiven in the Garden Room for a small group meeting where we share our light, life, and love with others in an open, loving, and trusting unfoldment of our emotional and spiritual journey of our own truth and meaning. For more information, contact Kaiven at 541-933-2588. (Meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month.)
Wednesdays, April 9-30 (6:30-8:00 p.m.) – Living Unity Principles with Jon West. This is our introductory course for newcomers and those who would like to go deeper than we can do on a Sunday. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or email Géna at Congregants who attend this class will be eligible for voting membership in our spiritual community.
Thursday, April 10 – Oasis Ensemble Concert (7:30 p.m.) An evening of beautiful chamber music featuring Fanny Hensel's Trio in D Minor, Op., Maurice Ravel's Ma mere l'oye (Mother Goose) and "Northwest Sketches", a world premiere by Oregon composer Brent Weaver inspired by the lush scenery and stories of the Pacific Northwest. Suggested donation: $20 adults, $10 students.
Saturday, April 12 – Yagody Benefit for Nova Ukraine, humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Yagody's repertoire consists of poetic songs from Ukraine and some regions around. The musicians build a very diverse and energetic world of melodies, rhythms and themes, which they blend uniquely. A concert with Yagody is a ritual. Tickets $25-$28 at
POTS OF SOUP: Each Sunday we serve 2-3 pots of soup. We are looking for 1 person who can bring a pot of soup on a Sunday. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall if you can help out.
PLASTICS RECYCLING ONGOING OPPORTUNITY: Every Second Sunday, join the EAT team to recycle your plastics! You can recycle a lot more this way, as our local waste haulers don't take much plastic recycling. But they do take #2 jugs and bottles that are larger than a tennis ball. So, separate your clean plastic containers into bags for #2 tubs (and bottles smaller than a tennis ball), #4 and #5 plastics and their lids (All lids must be separate). Bring your clean, sorted, and dry #2, #4, and #5 plastics to the Garden Room at 11:45 a.m. on the second Sunday of the month. We can help you help the environment by recycling them! Clean them well and save them up for us! Important: Do not drop off your items.
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: We are looking for volunteers to help make prayer shawls either by knitting or crocheting that are then given away to people in our community who are going through a difficult time. No experience necessary. To become part of the team, contact Rev. Inge at 541-968-5540 or
Our March Bulletin has been posted. You can check it out at
The Youth & Family Ministry Winter 2025 Newsletter can be found at
UNITY FOOD DRIVE – Please help us to fill the food barrel in the foyer with shelf-stable food (i.e., canned or no refrigeration needed) for Food For Lane County. Together, We Are Making a Difference!
Nursery (Infant-4 years old) Nursery care is offered during the service in the Harmony Room.
Unikids (4 years old-2nd Grade) meet on Sundays in the Garden Room 10:20-11:25 a.m.
Galileans (Grades 3- 5) meet on Sundays from 10:25 to 11:25 a.m. in the Rainbow Room.
Uniteens (Grades 6-8) meet in the upstairs Treehouse room from 10:25 to 11:25 a.m.
Unity Teen Group (Grades 9-12). meet on Sundays from 10:25 to 11:25 a.m. in the Treehouse room.
Unity of the Valley’s Simple Giving Program is an easy, automatic means by which you can give gifts or tithes to the church in the amount you specify at the frequency you select. To sign up and for more information, click If you have any questions, contact our Administrator, Géna, at 541-345-9913, ext. 11.
Did you know that you can help spread the word about Unity of the Valley and its events? By Liking the Facebook page and then clicking "Like" or "Share" on individual posts, you can let Facebook know that these posts are important and make sure that the posts are seen by MANY more people. Please take a moment now to Like the page (if you haven't already) and share a Unity post with your friends. Unity’s Facebook page is at
Your Prayer Team is Here for You!
Do you have a prayer request? Contact Julia Linebarger-Taylor via phone or text at 541-968-5896.
Unity of the Valley’s Music Releases can be found at
Unity’s 2025 Annual Congregational Meeting can be found at
"Connecting from the Heart" is now an independent nonprofit organization, working closely with Unity of the Valley. To enjoy their music, meditation and mental wellness videos, please click on this link:
We also post Unity videos, when possible, at:
The Unity Board has approved the creation of Our Spiritual Community Support Fund. This fund was inspired by a Unity member who offered her government stimulus funds to assist individuals in our spiritual community who need it most.
· Send a check to Unity of the Valley, 3912 Dillard Rd., Eugene, OR 97405 with a note designating if it’s for OSCSF or general Unity finances.
· Send a donation through PayPal using the yellow DONATE button on the home page of our website: This can be a one-time donation, repeated as often as you wish for different amounts, or a monthly recurring donation for a set amount. Make sure you designate whether you want your donation to be applied to OSCSF or to general Unity finances.
· Send an email to stating that you wish to pledge a certain amount, possibly from your government stimulus check to the OSCSF or to general Unity finances. Give your phone number so Géna can contact you to arrange how and when you wish to donate.
· You can write a letter stating you wish to join our Simple Giving Fund to contribute a set amount (state the amount) on a regular basis (state how often) with your bank account routing and account number. Just designate what portion should be used for OSCSF or general Unity finances. Géna, our Office Administrator, opens all our mail in private. So, it is safe to include your account information in a letter, but not in an email.
To request monetary help, you can write a letter or an email ( directed to the Ministerial Team. Please include the following information:
1. Your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
2. Your association with Unity of the Valley.
3. Name of reference at Unity of the Valley (someone who knows you).
4. Brief description of your financial need.
5. How much you are requesting.
6. Do you think your financial needs will require monthly support?
Requests for monetary help will be reviewed by our Ministerial Team. If a request is approved, the amount granted will be dependent on how many requests we receive and how much money is available in the OSCSF.
Thank you all for being an integral part of our loving and supportive community.