3912  Dillard Rd  
39th & Hilyard  
Eugene OR  97405 
(541) 345-9913 

Youth of Unity

Summer in the Park will continue during the month of August for ages 4 to 17. Our Youth Program is always lively and joy-filled, and Summer brings it to a crescendo with our lessons and projects in Tugman park during July and August, giving our children extra play-time while we have our gorgeous weather! Please sign in at the church.

You will be picking them up at the church after the service. The teachers will walk all the classes to the park together. We will begin with a quiet moment of inner gratitude, then read a story and share our thoughts. Craft projects are available for those so inclined, and we offer some wonderful cooperative games, followed by open play.

Y.O.U. (high school Youth of Unity) These young adults soak in the down-time, tossing Frisbees in the sunshine or playing hide-and-seek with the younger ones.

How You Can Help in the Youth & Family Ministries - Regular classes begin again on Sunday, September 11. Youth and Family Ministry is looking for playful, open-hearted adults to help lead classes once a month, starting September 11. Please take a quiet moment this summer and see whether you are called to one of our age groups. The lessons you share with the children will nurture you, too! To explore this further, talk with Darshana (541-345-9913, ext. 13).